I source, assemble, mount and frame vintage and hard to find jigsaws.
I also make and sell other crafted objects but right now it's the jigsaws.
I got into this last year when I found a bag of old jigsaw pieces when clearing out mum's garage. There were two complete in there. They are listed for sale here, along with others that I have sourced.
And there's so much to like about them, the different artistic styles, the way some of the pieces are cut, the very look of them.
I'll upcycle and modify old frames for some of these puzzles too. You can see which in the listings.
I try my best with commissions. I have been successful with them so far. If you're after something specific, get in touch and we'll see if it can be done.
I much prefer bank transfers than using PayPal, if you want to discuss that, drop me a note. If you prefer PayPal then so be it, but I do lose in transaction fees.
Do enjoy, regardless.